What Other People Think of Your Parenting Doesn’t Matter

I used to think the fruits of my parenting labor would show up in my kids’ behavior. I’d have kids with clean rooms and good grades that used their nicest words with each other and would sit still in church, all lined up in their Sunday best. But then I tried to wrangle 5 humans…

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I am so tired


When my kids were babies I legit fantasized about sleep. I’d wake up in the morning after a long night and plan out when I might be able to take a nap. Then I held on for that moment. In my most desperate times I would do anything I could to rest and would position…

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Today I wore my mask for you

Today I wore my mask for you

Today I wore a mask to Target. I was hot. I was uncomfortable. My glasses were foggy. No one could see my really cute lipstick I had just applied before I put my mask on because I still have standards to uphold people. (Also the lipstick thing is automatic and I keep forgetting about the…

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This is Just How Things are Right Now

this is just how things are right now

This is just how things are right now.   I read these words somewhere recently and they’ve been tumbling around in my mind in a way that’s mostly helpful to my tired heart.   I look at my face after a long day, my ultra wear lipstick (that’s actually some sort of paint I think)…

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