You Are Loved
If tonight you are feeling discouraged.
And like the demands of the world are just too much.
If you’re feeling like you don’t measure up.
And everyone else seems to be killing it at all the things, their houses are cleaner, their children have it all together and certainly don’t fight over the remote and their jobs are all a dream come true. They are decisive and unworried and dealing with all their troubles like champs.
If you’re waiting for your ship to come in. But feeling like you must have not only missed the boat but also your ticket was given to someone else so too bad for you.
If you are just feeling blah and uninspired and are wondering when it’s your turn to get some relief or at very least that awesome whatever everyone else seems to have.
If you feel like you are the only one who is just falling apart at the seams.
Know that you are enough, right here and right now.
Even if you can’t keep up today with all that’s being asked of you.
Even if you are not crushing it at all…at anything.
Even if your bank account is too empty for a vacation or even a run through the Mcdonald’s drive-through.
Even if you haven’t done a single pandemic project or if you don’t know what way is up.
Even if your dreams feel out of reach or you have lost track of what a dream even is.
Yes, you, the one sitting on the couch scrolling through Facebook looking for something….you don’t even know what.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are a beautiful creation.
You are precious in God’s eyes.
You don’t even have to do a thing to earn his love.
When I had my babies and clasped eyes on those little bundles of human they all cried and probably peed right on me, but my heart swelled with nothing but love.
Any pain they caused me erased in that moment and without doing a thing other than just being they had my heart…my full to bursting with love heart. Full stop.
That is how God feels about you right now.
Even if you’ve raged at him or ignored him or have only prayed to ask him for things like a minute alone and for that person on the internet to just stop posting nonsense.
He loves you beyond measure.
So you don’t have to measure up to the world.
And he’s already saved a place for you in the next one.
Tonight friends, no matter what circumstance or trial, big or small. You. Are. Loved.
Now carry on like the child of God you are….rest in him and his promises. They offer way more than the world ever will.❤️.