To My Daughter…Call Me

To my daughter in the event she finds herself in my shoes: If someday you become a mother, I confess I have a secret hope you will have a girl. When you were born my mom was in the room and the very first words she said to me were, “Don’t you just love her?” Oh…

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I Never Thought I Would Be That Mom: Until I Was

I used to be the mom who planned her days and nights around nursing schedules and naptimes, who stockpiled diapers and hid nuks in all corners of the house. I used to be the mom who put a crying baby in the car and drove endlessly around the neighborhood trying to induce sleep and quiet.…

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Getting More By Letting Go

So my story starts with a couch. It was the very first piece of brand new furniture my husband and I bought together. It was a hide-a-bed, perfect for having overnight company and I still remember spotting it at the furniture store and feeling so grown up buying it. This is back before we had…

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Last Minute Love Bomb

Holidays tend to sneak up on me. Despite two trips to Target for Valentines and supplies to decorate Valentine’s Day boxes (worst job ever), I still do not have anything to give my sweet loves tomorrow. Shocker. I am currently in the middle of a decluttering class (it’s a whole thing for another post you are…

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