OK, so I have another migraine fighting tip for you! I am always looking for something that is going to help us fight our migraines around this joint. And during the holidays, it seems we are all more prone to them. It can’t be all the eating and drinking and staying up late?? Ha! Nothing…
We are about to enter the crazy season known as THE HOLIDAYS.I don’t know about you, but I love to make all the things and do all the things but I can sometimes get super overwhelmed. The worst days for me are when I am baking all day, finally clean up the giant…
Have you all seen the disaster that is the lost and found at your kid’s school? Ours is legit overflowing by day two with all the things and by December there are enough items to clothe my kid and 10 others, not to mention the 25 water bottles, all the pairs of prescription glasses, the…
As I watch my sweet almost grown babies, I can see my time with them growing shorter. I have so much left to say, but there are just a few things I think they need to hear as they take those first tentative steps into adulthood. The end of high school is a whole thing…
I remember sitting on the floor, legs crossed watching our babies play. We were all so tired, so in love with these babies, trying so hard to figure out these lives we were now in that we couldn’t have dreamed of a year ago. We were moms. And we were figuring it out together. As…
Parenting teenagers is a joy beyond measure and also the hands-down hardest thing I have ever done in my life. It’s the kind of hard that twists your heart and squeezes out every drop of love and patience you have in you . I thought having been a teenager myself this gig would be no…
The ghosts of my littles shopped with me today at Target. They were somehow there at every turn. I wandered the aisles and all at once the princess dresses brought me to tears. Because the spirits of my little girls were dancing around my legs begging for all the things in lispy voices, their hair…
When my kids were little I scoured the interwebs for cute name labels to label all of the things. And on top of that, we had so many matching things…double Webkinz (who remembers these?), matching Nerf Guns, not to mention when back to school hit and we somehow needed to write names on roughly a…
Last night at the end of graduation, as kids were preparing to move their tassels and toss up their hats, the principal announced each student had a white envelope in with their diplomas. In that envelope was a handwritten note from one of their teachers. Each teacher had taken the time to make sure every…
Today I am tired. And I started moving all my apps around on my phone but got tired of doing that partway through and now I keep trying to open Audible but instead, I open the Dunkin app which is now located where the Audible app used to live so my brain keeps getting excited…

Amy Betters-Midtvedt
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