“Mom! Look! It’s the most persect car ever!” (Not a typo, Sam pronounces “perfect” as “persect”. While we are on the topic does anyone else feel like crying when their babies start to pronounce words RIGHT? I still haven’t gotten over Ellie switching from “jum” to “gum” and she’s 14. I love little kid speak…
Curse the red cart. Seriously, the cart has magical powers. Some wicked marketing genius cast a spell on every woman whose hands land upon that darn handle. It can’t be just me. Target carts send me into some dizzy spending tizzy during which I have zero willpower and spend with wild abandon. At one point…
I may sound crazy, but parents of newborns and toddlers you are currently living the bedtime dream. I once believed that when my kids were older I would get to sleep again. I dreamt of the day when I would tuck each of them into bed without nursing them every few hours, without swaddling and…
I have never been one to shy away from making life altering decisions in a decisive and quick way. Like the time I called my mom on my way home from a blind date professing that I had met the man I was going to marry. He sure is a dream come true. Lately, I…
There are days where all I want to do is hide. If I were to build my dream home, there would be a small closet with one comfy chair, some dim lighting, maybe some soothing “elevator” music, and, of course, my Kurig. It would be my hideout. Isn’t that the feeling we created time…
If you are looking for me on a Saturday morning, you can be sure I am whirling around my house, running over anyone who gets in my way in the pursuit of one goal: clean floors. In thinking about my obsession with clean floors I am forced to consider the obvious question: “What does a clean…
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Amy Betters-Midtvedt
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