The Mother’s Day Tradition That’s Saving My Sanity

By Amy | May 10, 2018 |

OK friends. Let’s talk Mother’s Day. Before you read what I am going to suggest, I need you to know I love my kids. I cherish time with them. But my favorite tradition doesn’t involve them at all. Don’t hate me. And also know I went through so many versions of Mother’s day before settling…

My Favorite Things: Grove Collaborative

By Amy | May 8, 2018 | Comments Off on My Favorite Things: Grove Collaborative

In real life, I love to pass along my favorite things and I love to get a deal and share it with my friends. It’s just so fun. Today I get to share one of my favorite things with you right here on the interwebs. It’s a little thing called Grove Collaborative and the folks there…

How One Burnt Pizza Changed How We are Parenting Teens

By Amy | April 27, 2018 | Comments Off on How One Burnt Pizza Changed How We are Parenting Teens

You guys, this is what I came home to tonight. Those of you who are parenting teens may not be surprised. My kids have lost all their electronic devices. I’m not sure when they’ll get them back or if soon you’ll be able to buy them on eBay. And there’s my husband who was yelling…”Is…

A Prayer for All Parents at the End of the School Year

By Amy | April 26, 2018 |

Dear Lord Deliver us from halfhearted lunch-packing and complete lack of backpack checking. Please see us through the nights when the sun is up later than our kids and yet they have to go to bed because the bus is inexplicably still arriving to pick them up each morning. Please carry us through the endless…

The Reality (and Beauty) of Love When Kids Come Between You

By Amy | April 19, 2018 | Comments Off on The Reality (and Beauty) of Love When Kids Come Between You

Sam: What are you guys doing? Wait…I’m missing out on the hugging? Let me in there! As he runs across the room and jumps in, I realize this moment perfectly sums up love during the years of parenting So often the kids come right in between us. A date night that never happens because someone…

I Think About It Everyday

By Amy | March 11, 2018 | Comments Off on I Think About It Everyday

I think about it every day. When I drop my kids off at school and watch them walk into the building, I wonder if today will be the day I should have kept them home. If I’ll say “If only they had been sick or had taken different classes or had a different lunch.” When…

Why I Refuse to Be Defined by What’s Left Undone

By Amy | March 1, 2018 |

It’s the end of the day. 3 1/2 out of 5 tuck-ins complete. And then I see this at the bottom of the stairs and I’m weary in my bones. Too weary to put it all away. And I know this will be what is left undone today. Yes the kids should have taken care…

A Letter to My Children About Their Attempts To Clean

By Amy | January 28, 2018 | Comments Off on A Letter to My Children About Their Attempts To Clean

Dear Children who just “finished cleaning”, Let me be clear about one thing. I see that you are trying, I really do. But oh my word I feel like making you all eye appointments after looking at the results of your last attempt at cleaning your rooms. I really shouldn’t have to remind you that…

Lessons From a Remodel… A Wrap Up

By Amy | January 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Lessons From a Remodel… A Wrap Up

OK friends. Jen Hatmaker’s people never called us for the next season of My Big Family Remodel (seriously, how could they not?!?) But since our kitchen remodel has drawn to a close without my own show, I’ll have to settle for sharing a few lessons we learned here instead. First lesson, good people make everything…

New Parents, You Can’t Possibly Know

By Amy | November 27, 2017 | Comments Off on New Parents, You Can’t Possibly Know

New parents…you can’t possibly know. I just found this picture behind another photo in a frame and I’ve unearthed a memory. I see young me about 3 weeks into my mom journey and I couldn’t possibly have known. In fact I’m glad I didn’t. I was working so hard and was so consumed with figuring…


Amy Betters-Midtvedt

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