Teenage romance…there’s nothing like it. It is the stuff dreams are made of and romance in the 80’s and 90’s was nothing if not dreamy. {Disclaimer: my romantic experiences were pretty limited growing up, but my dreams were big. I mostly longed for my objects of affection from afar, waited for my life to unfold…
Dear Gentleman I overheard talking about “those lazy teachers”, I sat still while you talked to those around you about “lazy teachers”. I bit my tongue as the room swam before my eyes. I actually experienced seeing red when I heard you follow it up with the old gem, “It must be nice to only work…
As we fly down the highway at 70mph I strain my neck to peer into your jam-packed car. I don’t know what I am expecting to see, a dad white-knuckling it as the packed down u-haul sways in the wind or a mom sobbing in the front seat? Of course, I don’t see much for…
So here we are…summer is winding up despite my efforts to cling to it by my fingernails. To give you an idea about how we approach summer here, picture one big house party. The rowdy kind where chips get ground into the carpet and you are the hostess but there are people walking through your house…
As social media feeds are jam-packed with the grand summer adventures of others, I cannot help but feel pressured. We should be taking more trips. The kids should be doing more social things with others. We should really see that movie, visit that pool, or make that project. Here’s the truth: I just can’t. Here’s…
This was my profile picture for about 5 months: Pretty impressive right? Looks like everything is unicorns and rainbows around this joint. Sweet kids. Perfect night. Zero fighting. But I’m here today to blow the lid off that nonsense. Behold: my confession on what goes into getting that beautiful, perfect family shot. Hold onto…
Dear sweet last child (aka baby #5), I look around this joint and feel I owe you an apology. Your parents are tired, in case you haven’t noticed. Your older siblings have sucked the life out of us and so we are now bringing you our “B” game. You might not realize that there was…
I’m over at Parent.co writing about about a tough topic, the time I was the Mean Girl…. I have a mean girl story. Actually, like you probably do, I have a few of them. But the one I won’t ever forget is the time that the mean girl was me. When I was 13, I…
A version of this post was originally published at Parent.co under the title 6 Questions That Will Help You Raise Kind and Inclusive Kids I have a mean girl story. Actually, like you probably do, I have a few of them. But the one I won’t ever forget is the time that the mean girl was…
We’re Over At Scary Mommy talking about grace and sweaty parenting….enjoy!! Hey, lady eyeing me up from across the way. I see that gleam in your eye and I know what you’re thinking. I can feel the mom sweat coming out of every pore as I struggle under your gaze. You see I’m a hot…

Amy Betters-Midtvedt
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