Oh my word, nothing is as fraught with emotion as the school pick up line. Sitting in my rockin’ white minivan, I can go from inspired, to exasperated, to hopeful, to horrified, to disbelieving, to furious, to wonder (as in wondering if the grown ups in the line all need glasses like me and that’s…
One Hour. That’s all this summer goal requires. It requires pretty much no planning or bucket list making or thought, other than keeping your eyes open for opportunity. This hour will find you. I figured out the impact of this hour when we spent the last weekend at a water park while my son played…
To my daughter in the event she finds herself in my shoes: If someday you become a mother, I confess I have a secret hope you will have a girl. When you were born my mom was in the room and the very first words she said to me were, “Don’t you just love her?” Oh…
Spring cleaning has never really been my jam, but this year I can see more of my floor and my windows so it should be easier. I have been consistently lightening our load since January and we are starting to see the light. Now you can join me! The Uncluttered class that got me started is…
The sermon at our wedding was beautiful, unforgettable and strangely ominous. The wonderful priest who married us began with a story. He was assigned overseas and found he had to move suddenly, he would be on a plane in 24 hours. He had grown close with so many people and knew he likely wouldn’t see…
I used to be the mom who planned her days and nights around nursing schedules and naptimes, who stockpiled diapers and hid nuks in all corners of the house. I used to be the mom who put a crying baby in the car and drove endlessly around the neighborhood trying to induce sleep and quiet.…
So my story starts with a couch. It was the very first piece of brand new furniture my husband and I bought together. It was a hide-a-bed, perfect for having overnight company and I still remember spotting it at the furniture store and feeling so grown up buying it. This is back before we had…
Holidays tend to sneak up on me. Despite two trips to Target for Valentines and supplies to decorate Valentine’s Day boxes (worst job ever), I still do not have anything to give my sweet loves tomorrow. Shocker. I am currently in the middle of a decluttering class (it’s a whole thing for another post you are…
This one is for the friends and classmates of my kids, as well as for all the students I have known. It needs to be written before you all think I am a certified crazy person. I have to explain the reason I look like I want to pinch your cheeks in public when in…
“Good things come to those who wait.” I’ve always hated that phrase because, basically, I am not good at waiting. Never have been. I get stuff done in a hurry. I don’t waste time waiting. I was content with this approach and it was working for me. And then I became a parent. My lack…

Amy Betters-Midtvedt
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