Reading during the pandemic was just hard for me. Having the time and quiet and concentration was tricky and my brain just didn’t want to take in actual words and books most days. There is actual brain research that supports that this is a thing and you may be feeling it too. No worries, I…
I tell my kids all the time that I don’t care how they do in life as long as they try their best. But you know what, that’s the absolute wrong thing to say right now. Sometimes trying your best is just too tall an order. I, for one, currently do not have a drop…
Dear God, today I am coming in hot. I’m wondering…how about just smiting my enemies? Even a little smite would be satisfying. I’m tired of people being mean and uninformed and crazy and all the things I clearly NEVER AM. I would like the person in the comment section of Facebook who just cannot even…
When your kids are little and you are in the middle of all the things you think it is going to be your life forever. This is just how you live now. You will always, always, always be caring for and serving these small people in a way that makes your body so weary and…
I used to think the fruits of my parenting labor would show up in my kids’ behavior. I’d have kids with clean rooms and good grades that used their nicest words with each other and would sit still in church, all lined up in their Sunday best. But then I tried to wrangle 5 humans…
When my kids were babies I legit fantasized about sleep. I’d wake up in the morning after a long night and plan out when I might be able to take a nap. Then I held on for that moment. In my most desperate times I would do anything I could to rest and would position…
Today I wore a mask to Target. I was hot. I was uncomfortable. My glasses were foggy. No one could see my really cute lipstick I had just applied before I put my mask on because I still have standards to uphold people. (Also the lipstick thing is automatic and I keep forgetting about the…
This is just how things are right now. I read these words somewhere recently and they’ve been tumbling around in my mind in a way that’s mostly helpful to my tired heart. I look at my face after a long day, my ultra wear lipstick (that’s actually some sort of paint I think)…
Teachers. Lend me your ears. Also anyone in education in any capacity during this madness. I have words for you and those that love you. First, we are grateful. I see you in the classroom leading a troop of masked students who may have entered your classroom unsure of what this year would be like…
One of the hardest things right now is the energy it takes to go through what used to be a normal day while in the middle of a pandemic that we hoped would be over by now. We’ve been living in wait for over a half a year now and we are frankly just bone…

Amy Betters-Midtvedt
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